About Us » Safetycord

Safetycord is an ethically-motivated care company.

Our mission is to provide gold-standard customer support to families who are considering banking their baby's cord blood stem cells as well as to their selected healthcare professionals.

We are committed to helping educate you through knowledgeable and caring customer-focused staff so that you may make informed decisions about cord blood banking.

Safetycord sets the highest quality standards in stem cell storage.

We hope that you never need to use your stored unit; however, should you need it, both you and your transplant physician will likely want access to complete information about the unit as quickly as possible. We regularly communicate with top transplant physicians about what information they desire and then collect that data upfront so that we deliver to you the highest quality service and peace-of-mind about your stored unit. This is why we perform comprehensive testing and High Resolution HLA typing prior to storing your baby's unit. This complete information is immediately available to you and any physician with whom you choose to share it 24-hours a day, 7-days a week beginning the very first day of storage.

Safetycord aims to make important scientific contributions to fighting possible life-threatening diseases.

This can only be achieved by processing our units using the most advanced methods and collecting data prior to unit storage. In striving to be an active contributor to the life-sciences, we value technical competence, quality service, and consistent professionalism. We are committed to delivering these values to you and your family.